News & Announcements
Actions to Consider TODAY
Funding to the federal government is set to expire at midnight Friday, March 14th. In anticipation of a possible shutdown, consider taking action today.
NIH NOT-OD-25-068
President Randall and University senior leadership issued a message responding to the February 7th NOT-OD-25-068 Supplemental Guidance to the 2024 NIH Grants Policy Statement on Indirect Cost Rates.
NIH No-Cost Extension (NCE) Link Unavailable
As of February 4, 2025, the automatic No-Cost Extension (NCE) link was not available in eRA Commons.
A Message from the Director
A Message to the research community from Brent Brown on recent Executive Actions and Research Support.
Executive Actions and Federal Agency Updates
Recent presidential actions may indicate changes in federal priorities, potentially affecting your current and pending projects funded by federal agencies or other sponsors. Review recommendations and updates.
VPR Update on Federal Funding
Amid changes to federal agency operations which may affect research at the University, the Vice President for Research, Dr. Erin Rothwell, has issued an Update on Federal Funding.
NIH has issued new parent opportunities for R01s, R21s, and the R03, for applications due on or after January 25, 2025. These new NOFOs use the FORMS-I package.
Immediate Considerations for a Government Shutdown
Consider taking action today in anticipation of a possible government shutdown tomorrow, December 21st.
DOE Enhanced Login: Action Required for eXCHANGE Accounts
On January 1, 2025, DOE will require additional ID verifications to access the ARPA-E and EERE eXCHANGE sites. To avoid issues, users are encouraged to update accounts as soon as possible.
Export Control & Foreign Influence Training
The VPR is hosting this training on November 19th from noon-1pm. All interested research community members are encouraged to attend in-person or via Zoom.
VPR 6th Annual F&A Town Hall
The VPR is hosting this annual Zoom event on October 30th from 9:30-11 am. All interested research community members are encouraged to attend.
NSF Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Required Starting October 27th
To enhance security, the National Science Foundation (NSF) is requiring MFA for users to sign in.
Requirements for Proposals Involving Tribal Resources or Interests
The NSF 24-1 PAPPG requires documentation of written approval from all potentially impacted Tribal Nations. Projects that do not have prior written approval will not be awarded.
New NSF Requirements re: Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs
Starting May 20, 2024 all senior/key personnel must certify, at time of proposal and annually thereafter, that they are not a party to a malign foreign talent recruitment program (FTRP). Proposals without all necessary certifications will be rejected or withdrawn.
Foreign Subrecipients Data Requirements
The University is adopting new data requirements for all foreign subrecipients effective January 1, 2024.
NIH Loan Repayment Applications Due November 16th
The 2024 NIH LRP helps repay the outstanding student loans of researchers conducting biomedical or behavioral research. The online application deadline is November 16, 2023.
NSF Requires SciENcv for Current & Pending Support
The NSF is mandating the use of SciENcv for the preparation of Current and Pending (Other) Support information, effective October 23, 2023
Impacts of a Government Shutdown & Immediate Considerations
In anticipation of a possible shutdown on October 1st, consider taking action TODAY.
Early submission of Federal grants encouraged
A government shutdown could take effect Oct. 1st. Please submit Federal grant applications by September 28th at 5pm to avoid possible delays or suspensions in grant application deadlines and application review processes.
xTrain Module Redesign
NIH is redesigning the xTrain module. This updated module will be launched in eRA Commons on March 30, 2023.
NSF Updates Effective Jan 30, 2023
The NSF PAPPG 23-1 includes significant changes including a new required biosketch template, safety plans for off-site research, and more.
NSF Fastlane Decommissioning
Effective Nov 21, award documents, organizational reports, and integration in FastLane were retired and will be decommissioned. The functionality will transition to
NSF issued a new PAPPG, which will be effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 30, 2023.
NIH Loan Repayment 2023
The application period is 9/1-11/17. For assistance with an application or to learn more, contact the IBO Bonnie Dalley.
- Required for New NSF Proposals
Beginning Jan 2023, all new proposals must be prepared and submitted in; FastLane will no longer be a preparation and submission option
NSF Requires use of
Many National Science Foundation (NSF) program solicitations now require the use of for the preparation and submission of proposals.
New F&A Rate Agreement
A new federal rate agreement is now in place through FY 2024. The rate for Research has increased from 52.5% to 53% and should be applied to budget calculations immediately.
For NIH and HHS agency due dates on or after January 25th, Applicants must use FORMS-G application packages.
NSF 22-1 Revised PAPPG
Effective October 4, 2021, NSF made a number of updates for proposals in accordance with the implementation of the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 22-1).
eRA Commons 2-Factor Authentication
Starting September 15, 2021, eRA will begin a phased approach for requiring the use of two-factor authentication for user accounts. Find instructions for specific user types, timeline, and approach.
NIH Deferring Biosketch and Other Support Format until 2022
NIH has issued NOT-OD-21-110, encouraging, but not requiring, the new Biosketch and Other Support format page templates until January 25, 2022.
eRA Commons ID Requirement
NIH will require all senior and/or key personnel to enter a valid eRA Commons username, starting on January 25, 2022.
Funding Available on Active NSF Earth Sciences Awards
PI's with active NSF EARS awards that have been delayed due to COVID-19 should request this supplemental funding by March 31st.
NIH Recognizes Cost and Impact of Childcare Costs
NIH announced a new policy to allow for childcare support costs to recipients of NRSA individual fellowships (i.e., F31, F32, etc).
- Implementation Update
NSF is now taking proactive steps to incrementally move the preparation and submission of all proposals from Fastlane to with a tentative target date for completion by 2022.
New Practices for Cost Sharing and Matching
In order to coordinate and facilitate the provision of central funds for cost sharing in grant and contract applications, the University of Utah has developed new policies and procedures for handling these requests, effective August 1, 2020.
NSF Formats for Bio Sketch and Current & Pending
For proposals due on or after June 1, 2020, NSF is requiring NSF-approved formats for the bio sketch and current & pending support.
COVID-19 Research Tracking
To track COVID-19 related proposals and awards, add the term “COVID:” to the short and long title.
OSP Continuity & Planning for COVID-19
OSP has adopted best practices to protect the safety of staff and developed telecommuting guidelines that will allow us to remain operational in the case of a community-wide spread of the virus. At this time, all OSP services are currently unaffected, including proposal review, submission, and post-award processing.
NSF Outage November 8-12th
NSF FastLane and sites will be down November 8th at 6pm - November 12th at 8am.
Grad Tuition Responsibility of College Starting FY20
All proposals requesting funding (FY20 and beyond) for graduate research assistants should include a request for tuition costs (tuition remission), except when expressly prohibited.
- Supports Collaborative Proposals
You can now prepare and submit collaborative proposals for NSF in Non-lead institutions will need to use the same system as the lead institution (Fastlane or
Find Funding Opportunities using Pivot
Pivot gives university faculty, staff and students the ability to identify and connect with funding opportunities and other researchers.
Cayuse 424 Upgrade
Cayuse upgraded over the weekend and there is a substantial change to attachments plus a new way to search for opportunities.
PI Approval of Subrecipient Invoices
Beginning August 1, 2018, UShop will route for PI approval ALL subaward invoices regardless of amount.
NSF Proposal Preparation and Submission in
NSF has announced that beginning on April 30th, proposers will be able to prepare and submit full, research non-collaborative proposals in However, THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH WILL CONTINUE TO LIMIT NSF SUBMISSIONS EXCLUSIVELY TO FASTLANE, until the eventual transition of all proposal and submission functionality from Fastlane to
Kirschstein NRSA F31 Discontinued
As per the NIH Notice, the F31 has been discontinued for the April 8, 2018 application due date and beyond.
NSF Issues 2018 PAPPG
NSF issued a revised version of the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide, effective January 29, 2018. This new version of the PAPPG (NSF 18-1) includes some significant modifications and changes.
NSF Requires Spreadsheet Template for Collaborators
Effective April 24, 2017, NSF will require the submission of a spreadsheet template to identify collaborators and other affiliations.
NIH Salary Cap Increase
Effective January 8, 2017, the NIH salary cap increases from $185,100 to $187,000.
Department Administrators Survey
We want your input! Please help us focus development efforts and improve our resources by taking this 10 minute survey.
FastLane Compliance Checks
Effective January 30, 2017, NSF will implement policy updates and run new and enhanced compliance checks on proposals.
Stipend Levels Increase for Postdocs and Fellows on NRSA
NIH released a notice that active NRSA postdocs and fellows will receive increased stipends and provides instructions for requesting one-time supplemental funding to cover the stipend increase.
NSF Announces New PAPPG
NSF recently issued a revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide, which will be effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 30, 2017. This new version includes some significant modifications and changes.
NSF Automated Proposal Compliance Checks Effective July 25, 2016
A recent advisory from the NSF notes that effective July 25, 2016, all NSF proposals will be subject to a new series of automated compliance validation checks to ensure compliance with PAPPG requirements.
New Pay Rule Affects Lab Personnel & Postdocs
Effective December 1st, employees paid less than $47,476 per year will be eligible for overtime - mostly affecting lab personnel and postdocs. Researchers should immediately take these compensation levels into consideration on grant proposals.
NIH announced it will be rolling out a forms update with a Competition ID of "FORMS-D" that will be required for all applications due on or after May 25, 2016. Cayuse 424 will be updated to include support for FORMS-D in version 7.0, to be released on April 9, 2016.
NIH announced it will be rolling out a forms update with a Competition ID of "FORMS-D" that will be required for all applications due on or after May 25, 2016. Cayuse 424 will be updated to include support for FORMS-D in version 7.0, to be released on April 9, 2016.
Multiple F&A Rates in Cayuse Budgets
For proposals spanning fiscal years, the indirect cost rate will be automatically calculated as an average percentage. The rates will not show details for separate fiscal years so the rate will need to be explained in the budget justification.
New F&A Rate Agreement
A new federal rate agreement is now in place through FY 2024. The Research rate is now 53.5%.
Upcoming NIH Application Changes
Changes to NIH application regulations are being implemented in 2016 to address updated policies and reduce administrative burden.
NSF Public Access Policy Changes
PI's submitting proposals on or after January 25, 2016 must submit their research to the NSF Public Access Repository (NSF-PAR)
NSF PAPPG Updates Effective January 25, 2016
NSF has made updates to its Policies and Procedures Guide that will impact sponsored research. To ensure compliance, please review the significant changes.
New Requirements for NIH IDP's and RPPR's
Individual Development Plans (IDP's) for grad students and postdoc's must be included in Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR's), though not the IDP's themselves.
NIH Salary Cap
Effective on January 11, 2015, the maximum direct salary that an individual can receive from NIH will increase from $181,500 to $183,300.
NIH Biosketch Format Delayed
NIH's move to the required use of the new biosketch format has been delayed until May 25, 2015. The new 5-page format is being encouraged but it will be optional until May.
NIH Revises Implementation Timeline for Awards Assigned New Numbers
According to Notice NOT-OD-14-103, NIH is extending the implementation timeline for the Payment Management System (PMS) to allow grantees time to prepare their systems to accommodate the changes. The new deadline is October 1, 2015.
New OMB Uniform Guidance
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has combined many federal circulars, including A21 and A110, into a single guidance document that can be used by all agencies, known as "Uniform Guidance." These new regulations become effective on December 26, 2014.
DARPA Travel Grant
The Office of the VPR is now offering grants up to $1,000 for researchers to visit his/her DARPA program managers.
- down December 6-9
NIH Notice NOT-0D-14-022 informs applicants of changes to due dates based on scheduled downtime of
eRA Commons User ID's Required for Students with Measurable Effort on PHS2590 & RPPR
According to Notice NOT-OD-13-097, over the next year the NIH will start requiring an eRA Commons ID for all individuals in graduate and undergraduate student roles who participate in NIH-funded projects for at least one person month or more.
NSF Releases Revised Proposal Due Dates
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has revised submission due dates for programs that fall between October 1st and October 25th, 2013, due to the Federal government shutdown.
NSF Fastlane,, and Unavailable Until Further Notice
Due to the lapse in government funding, National Science Foundation websites and business applications will be down. FastLane proposal preparation and submission will be unavailable.
NIH Multi-Project Applications with ASSIST
The Application Submission System & Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST) is now used to prepare and submit multi--project grant applications electronically to NIH and other Public Health Service agencies.
NIH New Forms Package...FORMS-C
NIH is transitioning to updated electronic application forms packages. For due dates on or after September 25, 2013, all applicants will be required to use FORMS-C packages, (except for K, T, D, or F).
NIH Public Access Compliance Policy Enforcement Effective July 1, 2013
The Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library and the Center for Clinical and Translational Science have developed a guide for NIH-funded investigators regarding the NIH Public Access Policy.
Utah Not Eligible for FY2013 NSF EPSCoR
The State of Utah has exceeded the NSF funding level that made us EPSCoR eligible, so we are not NSF EPSCoR eligible for fiscal year 2013.
NSF Transitions Reporting from FastLane to starting Feb. 1st
PI's and co-PIs must stop submitting new project reports in FastLane starting February 1, 2013. On March 18, 2013, NSF will transfer its current project reporting service from FastLane to
New Financial Conflict of Interest Policy
The University has revised its Individual Financial Conflict of Interest Policy to comply with new regulations from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) effective August 20, 2012.
Research Development and Grant Writing News
The Vice President for Research has subscribed to Research Development and Grant Writing News. This monthly newsletter focuses on how to compete successfully for research and education funding from federal agencies and foundations. The newsletter is available through Unite.
NIH PI Salary Limitation
For FY 2012 the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Public Law 112-74) signed into law on December 23, 2011, restricts the amount of direct salary to Executive Level II of the Federal Executive Pay scale.