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NIH Upcoming Application Changes

In a recent blog post, Mike Lauer, new Deputy Director for Extramural Research at NIH, provides an overview of upcoming changes to application regulations. The changes, which are being implemented to address updated policies and changing business needs and reduce administrative burden, were first announced in October in NOT-OD-16-004. They will be implemented in two phases.  

The first phase will go into effect for applications submitted on or after January 25, 2016. These changes will focus on the following points:

  • Rigor, transparency, and reproducibility: enhanced language and requirements
  • Vertebrate animal section: removing redundant questions
  • Definition of “child”: updating the definition of “child” to describe an individual under 18 years old (versus the current 21)
  • Research training grants: updating requirements and instructions for training grants to reduce administrative burden

The second phase will go into effect beginning May 25, 2016. This phase will be accompanied by the release of a new application forms (FORMS-D). It will also include further changes to many of the areas noted above, as well as new font guidelines, biosketch clarifications, appendix policies, and more.  

NIH encourages researchers and administrators to look for new communications and clarifications regarding the changes later this month. 

For information regarding the application changes, see NOT-OD-16-004.

Last Updated: 12/1/22