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Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreement (NDA/CDA), Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), Data Transfer Agreement (DTA), or Data Use Agreement (DUA) 

Request a NDA/CDA, MTA, DTA, or DUA

OSP will review, draft, and negotiate incoming and outgoing agreements associated with an active or forthcoming sponsored project within 5 business days of receipt. This includes NDA/CDAs for industry clinical trials.

 If your request is not associated with an active or forthcoming sponsored project, it will be reviewed and negotiated by Technology Licensing.  This includes NDA's for preliminary discussions toward an anticipated future sponsored project, when not enough information is known to complete the OSP webform.  

Industry Clinical Trial Agreements

For all other sponsored project types, please complete the appropriate form below.

If you have questions about the process (not related to industry clinical trials), please contact Miriam Allen.

Last Updated: 2/20/25