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Equitable Participation Plans for Federal Research

Guidance and Resources for Sponsored Project Requirements
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  Under Utah House Bill (HB) 261, Diversity Efforts are Transformed

HB 261 took effect July 1. Over the past months, the University of Utah has reimagined how to create a welcoming campus under a new state law limiting traditional efforts to build diversity.




Federal sponsors may encourage or require plans for promoting participation and accessibility as an intrinsic element to advancing scientific excellence in the research plan. These plans are typically part of the merit review process and evaluators have high expectations that these plans be well reasoned and adequately resourced. 

The plan guides below provide detailed information on sponsor requirements.

Plan Resources based on Federal Funders

Department of Energy (DOE)

Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Research (PIER)

UPDATE: The Office of Science has ended the requirement for PIER Plans in any proposal.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP)

UPDATE: The NIH has removed the requirement for PEDP proposals.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Broadening Participation 

nsf plan guide


UU Facilities & Resources Supporting Participation, Accessibility, and Safety

Below is a collection of accessibility and safety related resources at the University that may assist you in formulating  a strong plan and/or finding partners in supporting your plan in your lab. Consider also reviewing your department and college statements on increasing participation. UHealth schools and colleges may also have an advisor to assist with increasing participation in federally funded research projects.  Researchers in Health Sciences can reach out to Health Sciences Workforce Excellence. Connecting your plan to campus resources helps provide substantive rationale and clear activities. 

Librarian resources are also available: 
Donna Baluchi, Assistant Librarian, Eccles Health Sciences Library
Lorelei Rutledge, Associate Librarian, Marriott Library

Presidential Commissions

Presidential Commission on the Status of Women

The purpose of the commission is to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas within the University. The establishment of the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women by President Arthur K. Smith in 1995 reflects the University of Utah's ongoing commitment to faculty, staff, and students. The Commission is a culmination of the efforts of committees and task forces since 1969. The Marriott and Eccles Libraries house the reports for review by the University community.


Student Pathway and Pipeline Programs

ACCESS Scholars

The College of Science ACCESS Scholars is a first-year community, research and scholarship program committed to advancing gender equity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The ACCESS Scholars Program provides incoming students with a signature first-year experience that helps identify academic and career goals, builds social awareness, develops leadership skills, creates community, connects students to mentors and a network of over 800 program alumni, and yields a cohort of future leaders in science.

Día de los Muertos Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) Pre-Med Conference

Held annually on the campus of the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at the University of Utah, the Day of the Dead Pre-medical conference offers undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in medicine a unique opportunity. Participants attend lectures presented by subject matter experts from the School of Medicine departments such as admissions, financial aid, and Student Affairs. Other highlights will include a question and answer session with a panel of current medical students, and break sessions with various University of Utah health science colleges.

Genomics Summer Research for Magnificent (GSRM) Interns

The Genomics Summer Research for Magnificent (GSRM) interns provides a ten-week summer research program for undergraduate students interested in in biosciences or bioinformatics with a focus on genomics research, including ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of genomics research. The GSRM is funded by an NIH Research Education Program (R25) and supported by the University of Utah Department of Pediatrics. The paid internship provides students with placement in world-class genomics research groups, tailored mentorship, professional development workshops and access to state-of-the-art equipment and technology. Interns have the opportunity to interact with a thriving community of scientists, physicians and mentors that recognize the need to promote diversity in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) workforce. 

Haumana 'O Pasifika Program

The Haumana 'O Pasifika Program is designed to encourage and enable research and career development opportunities for Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders (NHPI) in order to train future members of Utah’s scientific & medical community. Selected applicants will be paired with scientific mentors and cultural mentors who are leaders in the field or community, respectively. The Haumana 'O Pasifika Program exists in two formats: a 10-week, research intensive summer program for undergraduate students and research graduate students, and a two-year training program for trainees interested in pursuing a graduate degree (PhD or MD/PhD) in a field related to diabetes, endocrinology, or metabolism.

Health Sciences LEAP

Health Sciences LEAP is a pipeline program for students from  interested in a graduate program in healthcare.  Freshman students will enroll in Health Professions LEAP for Fall and Spring and will then apply to be accepted into the program for their Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years. 

Intermountain PREP (IM-PREP) Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program

The InterMountain Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (IM-PREP) is a one-year NIH-funded post-baccalaureate training program at the University of Utah. IM-PREP provides mentored research and professional development to students from diverse underrepresented backgrounds who wish to pursue advanced doctoral degrees in scientific research. 

IM-PREP will provide scholars with critical thinking and research experience that will enable persistence in high-quality graduate programs and beyond in academic and non-academic biomedical career tracks.

Medical Admissions Preparatory Program (MAPP)

The Medical Admissions Preparatory Program (MAPP) is designed to assist premedical students with the means to strengthen their ability and readiness to study medicine. MAPP is designed to support students who have experienced social, economic, or education disadvantages in their journey to medical education. This is an eight-week summer program that runs from June to August annually. Students are competitively selected in the spring and upon selection are expected to attend weekly meetings with the cohort and staff advisors. Students applying should be committed to taking the MCAT and applying to medical school by Spring of the next year.

Native American Summer Research Internship (NARI)

The Native American Research Internship is a dynamic summer research opportunity for Native American undergraduate junior and senior students who are interested in Health Science research. The internship is located at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is a 10-week, paid summer internship, funded by the National Institutes of Health.

PathMaker Scholars

The PathMaker Scholars Summer Research Program at Huntsman Cancer Institute seeks to increase participation in biomedical cancer research and to encourage students to prepare for careers in research, medicine, and education. The program sponsors students for a 10-week residential summer research experience, where they will live on campus, learn laboratory training techniques, and work on a project as indicated by a principal investigator in a university laboratory setting. Accepted students who successfully complete the program will automatically be accepted into the following year’s summer program without reapplying.

Pre-Matriculation Readiness for Ongoing Medical Student Success at the University of Utah (PROMIS2U)

PROMIS2U stands for Pre-Matriculation Readiness for Ongoing Medical Student Success at the University of Utah. 

The mission of PROMIS2U is to prepare more physicians to enter primary care and serve in rural, tribal, and medically underserved areas in Utah. Primary care physician shortages in Utah and in the mountain west are even more acute in medically underserved, rural/remote areas, and tribal/indigenous communities. 

Research shows that individuals from medically underserved areas are more likely to practice in high-need underserved communities, and PROMIS2U aims to provide academic support to such individuals so that they can serve patients in these communities.


Refugees Exploring the Foundations of UnderGraduate Education in Science (REFUGES) is an after school/summer program which collaborates with community organizations, schools, and parents to support underrepresented 7th-12th grade students with their education. Students who attend the program are provided valuable resources and support - such as one-on-one tutoring and mentoring, college and career readiness resources, financial aid workshops, hands-on STEAM curriculum, and field trips.

Rural & Underserved Utah Training Experience (RUUTE)

RUUTE has several opportunities housed within the RUUTE Program that align with the goals of the School of Medicine's Exceptional Learning Experience (ELE) that promote professionalism, community, and meaningful relationships for students, providers, and community members. RUUTE's learning experiences range from community outreach, becoming a preceptor, to learning experiences for medical students and residents. 

Saturday Academy

Serving grades 4-12, Saturday Academy is a collaboration between all six entities on the University of Utah Health campus, which includes The Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine, College of Nursing, School of Dentistry, College of Pharmacy, College of Health, and the Eccles Health Science Library. Featured colleges/schools can be reviewed in 2023-2024 event schedule below. The mission of Saturday Academy is to develop and promote a campus environment where students feel a sense of belonging and populate a strong applicant pool for admission into multiple health science fields for all students.

Saturday Academy is providing a mentored pathway to higher education and specifically focused on education in the health sciences. Each month, Saturday Academy introduces students to various careers and fields of study in the health sciences through inclusive and interactive activities and lectures. Additionally, it gives students access to mentorship, access to the health sciences community, and information on various pathways to higher education.

Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

SACNAS is an all-inclusive community dedicated to supporting broad representation in STEM fields to match the demographics of our nation and to fostering the success of scientists from under-served and all backgrounds. Our goal is to help these members attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM. Come be a part of the vibrant SACNAS community at the University of Utah and help us cultivate a safe and secure scientific community filled with the brightest scientists. We aim to provide a holistic approach to STEM training by organizing opportunities for professional development, cultural programming, resilience training, and a pipeline of support and mentoring within a national network. Be the best U with the University of Utah SACNAS chapter. 

Summer Health Care Experience (SHE) in Oncology

The Summer Health Care Experience (SHE) in Oncology Program is sponsored by the American Cancer Society and seeks to increase the participation of women in biomedical fields, especially cancer research and medicine.

Utah Summer Training Academy for Rising Surgeons (USTARS)

The University of Utah School of Medicine Departments of Surgery, Anesthesiology, Otolaryngology, Neurosurgery, and Orthopedics  are proud to host the Utah Summer Training Academy for Rising Stars (USTARS) Program which is focused on rising stars interested in academic surgery or anesthesiology. 

This is a robust 6-week summer program structured around professional identity development, perioperative and intraoperative skills development, exposure to clinical care, and understanding of research principles. This program has two distinct pathways tailored toward candidates interested in Surgery or Anesthesiology. Two candidates will participate in the anesthesiology track while the other students will participate in the surgery track based on their declared interest.


See also:

Division Units/Centers

Native Excellence

The mission of Native Excellence at the University of Utah is to facilitate the social, academic, and cultural engagement of students, staff, trainees, and faculty through cultural affirmation, academic and professional development, and post-graduation preparation for undergraduate students. Additionally, Native Excellence serves all tribal nations as the cultural conduit to both tribal communities and the University of Utah by affirming tribal sovereignty and self-determination.

Center for Community and Cultural Belonging

The new Center for Cultural and Community Engagement will administer cultural education, celebration activities, and awareness programs.

Center for Student Access and Resources

The Center for Student Access and Resources, CSAR, will manage cohort programs focused on student retention, graduation and career readiness, as well as over $2 million in scholarship opportunities. CSAR will also house student resource navigators who will connect students with the support they need to succeed at the U and beyond.

Dream Center

The Dream Center works holistically with students and families from college access to graduation. The Dream Center (1) engages in specialized college outreach and access strategies, (2) provides individualized advising and scholarship support for current and future University of Utah students, (3) promotes campus-wide advocacy and trainings for University of Utah students, faculty, staff and administration, and (4) increases community-wide awareness of policies affecting current and future University of Utah students.    


Student Affairs Units/Centers

Basic Needs Collective

The Basic Needs Collective is a coordinated resource referral hub. We educate and connect students to campus and community resources to help them meet their basic needs.

Center for Disability and Access

The Center for Disability & Access is the designated office of the University of Utah which evaluates disability documentation, determines eligibility, and implements reasonable accommodations for enrolled students. The Center for Disability & Access is dedicated to students with disabilities byproviding the opportunity for success and equal access at the University of Utah. We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations as outlined by Federal and State law. We also strive to create an inclusive, safe and respectful environment. By promoting awareness, knowledge and equity, we aspire to impact positive change within individuals and the campus community. The Center for Disability & Access Student Handbook is available here:

Center for Campus Wellness

The mission of the Center for Student Wellness is to support student well-being and success through holistic and comprehensive programs that center wellness, safety, and healing.

Wellness provide several resources primarily for students but also offer certain programs for faculty and staff including educational workshops and our confidential Victim-Survivor Advocacy services.

Center for Student Access & Resources

The new Center for Student Access and Resources will assist students in navigating challenges and connecting them to essential resources. Additionally, the center will fulfill responsibilities associated with scholarship cohort programs and create additional cohort experiences open to all students.

Student Parent Support Center

The University of Utah Student Parent Support Center offers services to assist University students, faculty, and staff in their search for quality child care services.

University Counseling Center

The purpose of the University Counseling Center (UCC) is to facilitate and support the educational mission of the University of Utah. We provide developmental, preventive, and therapeutic services and programs that promote the intellectual, emotional, cultural, and social development of University of Utah students.

We consistently strive to integrate multiculturalism into the everyday functioning and structure of our agency, including the individual, service, training, organizational, and administrative levels. We advocate a philosophy of acceptance, compassion, and support for those we serve, as well as for each other. We aspire to respect cultural, individual and role differences as we continually work toward creating a safe climate for all.

Veterans Support Center

The Veterans Support Center serves our veterans, military connected members, and their families. We are committed to establishing a supportive environment and welcoming campus culture. We enhance the educational experience of military affiliated students to remove barriers and maximize the academic, psychosocial, and career potentials that results in unconditional success in the classroom and beyond.


Professional Development Programs and Resources

Workforce Excellence

The mission of Workforce Excellence and WiHMS is to advocate for faculty at all stages of their career. WiHMS’ strategies include fostering career advancement and faculty development through AAMC Early and Mid-Career awards and other career development awards within the University of Utah Health campus; providing a monthly event on the topics that are critical for professionals in healthcare.


Community Engagement and Inclusive Research Resources

Community-Based Research Guidelines for Communities and Higher Education

This document was developed by a community-campus collective, and it can be cited as: Community Research Collaborative. (2021). In it together: Community-

based research guidelines for communities and higher education. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah. It contains principles and practices for inclusive and equitable research in partnership with communities.

Community Collaboration & Engagement Team (CCET)

The Community Collaboration and Engagement Team (CCET) is part of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). The CCET’s mission is to support researchers, individuals, institutions, agencies, patients, providers, and other stakeholders in fruitfully collaborating on research projects that address researchers’ interests and communities’ health needs. The CCET facilitates researcher and community member collaborations that develop community-engaged research methods, instruments, and educational materials for research projects. Services available include conducting interviews and community dialogues. Upon request, CCET services can be held in rural or community preferred locations, and in languages other than English.

Community Engagement Certificate

The Bennion Center Community Engagement Certificate offers a deeply engaged learning experience that is purpose-driven and action-oriented to address complex social and environmental challenges. Students are empowered to make a meaningful difference by understanding community assets as well as complex causes and consequences of social problems, recognizing and pursuing opportunities for change, working collaboratively, and taking thoughtful action. The Community Engagement Certificate requires the completion of 21 credit hours, and is open to all undergraduates and all majors at the U of U. There are no specific admission requirements.

Community Research Collaborative (CRC)

The mission of the Community Research Collaborative (CRC) is to advance critical, action-oriented research for social justice. Established by an interdisciplinary group of university researchers and community leaders representing diverse racial, cultural, and linguistic communities, the CRC seeks to forge stronger relationships between academics and community-based practitioners, support community engaged scholars across their careers, and leverage the resources of higher education in support of local community organizing. The CRC has developed key resources to enhance community-based research, including the publication of In It Together: Community-Based Research Guidelines for Communities and Higher Education; the development of an undergraduate course (Community-Based Research) and an online course (Principles and Practices of Community-Based Research)—with additional workshops being planned, including for community partners; the development of the Community-Based Research Grants program in partnership with the Office of the Vice President for Research; and the establishment of the West Side Community Review Board to advise on and review research done in the west side Salt Lake County neighborhoods.

Huntsman Cancer Institute’s Office of Community Outreach and Engagement

The Office of Community Outreach and Engagement aligns with the mission, vision, and principles of Huntsman Cancer Institute. Our team includes faculty and staff who collaborate with clinicians, researchers, students, and community partners to address the burden of cancer in the Mountain West. Combatting Health disparities is at the forefront of what they do.

Our work is made possible by ongoing collaboration and communication between Huntsman Cancer Institute and community partners. One of the core activities of Community Outreach and Engagement is to monitor the cancer burden, risk factors, incidence, mortality, morbidity, and inequities in the Mountain West using a data-driven approach.

Lowell Bennion Community Service Center (Bennion Center)

The mission of the Bennion Center is to inspire and mobilize people to strengthen communities through learning, scholarship, and advocacy. The Bennion Center facilitates students’ engagement with communities through a variety of co-curricular and curricular programs such as Saturday Service Projects and Alternative Breaks as well as through supporting the integration of community engaged learning into the curriculum through Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) designated courses. 

Office of Research Education

The Office of Research Education (REd) offers workshops, classes, and certificates that include the Research Mentoring Certificate and Principles and Practices of Community-Based Research (CBR).

University Neighborhood Partners (UNP)

University Neighborhood Partners brings together University and west side people and resources in reciprocal learning, action and benefit — a community coming together. UNP builds university-community partnerships focused on resident-identified issues and opportunities. We do not run programs led by staff. Rather, we are a convener, bringing partners to the table to share ideas, identify common goals, and create their own initiatives. We are proactive in bringing to that table voices that have historically been unheard in the decision-making that affects these communities. Our work is to support those partnerships by encouraging active communication, relationship building, resource sharing, and capacity building.

Working with Native Communities Graduate Certificate

The Working with Native Communities Certificate program—offered through the Department of Education, Culture and Society (College of Education)—will prepare graduate level learners of diverse backgrounds and academic studies for professional work with Native communities by deepening their understanding about the historical context and contemporary challenges facing Native peoples in the United States. Through the Certificate, learners will take away essential and critical concepts to prepare them to do important and much needed work with Native communities both locally and nationally. One of the Certificate program's main objectives is to assist students in developing an understanding of the complex inner workings of Native nations, histories, status as political sovereigns, efforts in education, and tribal governments to prepare students for professional work in a variety of fields. The many misconceptions stemming from the unique relationship with the United States and Native communities/peoples will be addressed. Learners enrolled in the Certificate program are expected to work with Native governments, organizations, businesses, health services, and/or other stakeholders to promote the social, political, economic, and environmental well-being of Native nations.


Other Resources Across the University

Feed U Pantry

The University of Utah food pantry aims to minimize hunger among our students, their families, and faculty and staff by providing free, accessible, and nutritious food. We strive to empower those in need to obtain food resources so they may focus on being healthy, happy, and successful at the University of Utah without the barrier of fighting hunger. The Feed U Pantry is open to all University of Utah students, faculty, and staff with a current University of Utah ID. Since opening in October 2014, the volunteer-powered Feed U Food Pantry has impacted over 1,000 University of Utah members and their families.

Belonging Style Guide

Expert collaborations from across the U campus helped to create this Style Guide, modeled after many other resources. The guide was created to support the university community to create content that uses language and images that are respectful to all people.

Office of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Title IX

The Office of Equal Opportunity And Affirmative Action (OEO/AA) is a professional resource dedicated to the University of Utah’s commitment to provide a fair and equitable environment for individuals to pursue their academic and professional endeavors and to equally access University programs.  In order to further this commitment, the OEO/AA is responsible for ensuring University practices and nondiscrimination policies are in full compliance with all federal, state and local anti-discrimination laws, and provide processes to fairly and effectively resolve complaints, provide reasonable accommodations, and to make appropriate corrections. 


SafeU is a comprehensive website for all safety-related information, reporting, and support resources, training, and more at the University of Utah.

Last Updated: 3/11/25