The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is committed to changing the culture of science to end sexual harassment and other forms of harassment in NIH-funded activities.
The University of Utah is committed to fostering an inclusive culture where attendees at University events can expect a safe environment free of discrimination and harassment. The University has institutional policies, procedures, and resources in place to uphold standards of integrity and ethics as well as processes in place to report and remedy any violations.
NIH recognizes the value of supporting meetings and conferences where scientific ideas are shared and exchanged, it also recognizes that these events can sometimes become a place where attendees may feel unsafe because of harassment or the perception that harassing behaviors are tolerated or not addressed.
As a result, these individuals are not fully able to participate which impedes their contributions to the scientific exchanges supported by NIH. Having a safety plan in place prior to the conference event is a proactive strategy meant to convey to attendees a commitment to fostering a safe environment and to alert potential violators that inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated.
Harassment, in any form, is detrimental and presents obstacles that hinder a persons ability to fully participate in science. Only in safe, respectful, and inclusive environments can individuals achieve their fullest potential and support the mission of the NIH.

The following Safety Plan complies with NIH requirements and has been approved for distribution by the Office of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Title IX. This message is required to be provided to all participants prior to and during NIH-supported conferences and scientific meetings awarded after April 12, 2022.
NIH Safety Plan
Dear Participant:
This conference/workshop/symposium is supported all or in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Award No. ________.
The University of Utah and its conference organizers are committed to creating and maintaining a community dedicated to the advancement, application, and transmission of knowledge and creative endeavors through academic excellence, where all individuals who participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation.
We are required by the NIH to provide all event participants with information on the University’s policy on sexual and other forms of harassment or sexual assault as well as directions on how to report any violations of this policy. For purposes of this requirement, “other forms of harassment” is defined as “non-gender or non-sex-based harassment of individuals protected under federal civil rights laws, as set forth in organizational policies or codes of conduct, statutes, regulations, or executive orders.”
THIS SAFETY PLAN APPLIES TO THIS EVENT AND ALL EVENT ATTENDEES MUST CONFORM THEIR BEHAVIOR WITH THE POLICY. The plan outlines the University’s responsibilities and procedures related to Prohibited Conduct in order to ensure an equitable and inclusive education and employment environment free of harassment, sexual violence, and sexual harassment. The Plan defines conduct prohibited by the University of Utah and explains the administrative procedures the University uses to assess and resolve reports of Prohibited Conduct. The Policy applies to all University employees as well as undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. The Policy applies at all University campuses, Medical Centers, the Office of the President, Agriculture and Natural Resources, and to all University programs and activities.
Individuals who have questions, concerns or complaints related to harassment are also encouraged to contact the conference organizer or the HHS Office of Civil Rights.
The conference organizers include the following individuals and thier contact information:
Filing a complaint with the conference organizer is not required before filing a complaint of discrimination with HHS OCR, and seeking assistance from the conference organizer in no way prohibits filing complaints with HHS OCR: Filing a Civil Rights Complaint
individuals can notify NIH about concerns of harassment, including sexual harassment, discrimination, and other forms of inappropriate conduct at NIH-supported conferences:
The University of Utah Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (OEO/AA) is dedicated to providing a fair and equitable environment for all to pursue their academic and professional endeavors and to equally access University programs.
allowed by law) are also available to those who have experienced sexual harassment, sexual violence, or other Prohibited Conduct in connection with this event. Advocates can be reached through the following resources:
Confidential resources (to the extent- SafeU
- Rape Recovery Center Advocates can be reached 24 hours a day
For non-urgent questions or appointments contact:
- University of Utah Center for Student Wellness Victim-Survivor Advocacy
- University of Utah Center for Equity & Student Belonging Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
Law Enforcement Reporting:
- For on-campus incidents, reports to law enforcement can be made to the University of Utah Department of Public Safety Crime Victim Advocates.
- For off-campus incidents, report to the local department where the incident occurred.
An advocate can help determine which jurisdiction/police department to contact.
In an emergency, dial 911, or to reach __________ .
Key University Policies and Reporting Resources:
The University has developed policies and procedures to ensure a safe work environment wherever University business is conducted. The following is a list of applicable University policies and available reporting resources (including hyperlinks):
Harassment, Stalking & Sexual Misconduct
This is the primary policy that informs the University community of the University's commitment to preventing harassment (conduct that is unwelcome or offensive), stalking, and sexual misconduct. This policy extends to persons conducting business with or visiting the University, even though such persons may not be directly affiliated with the University.
This rule outlines the process the University will use to resolve Complaints of Sexual Misconduct. This rule is also intended to educate the University community, including current students, prospective students and employees, about Sexual Misconduct and about campus resources and processes available to victim-survivors of Sexual Misconduct.
Click for Reporting Resources
Sexual Harassment/Misconduct (OEO). The OEO/AA is the University department charged with responding to reports and investigating formal complaints of discrimination, including sexual misconduct.
The Director of the OEO/AA serves as the University’s Title IX Coordinator.
Sherrie Hayashi Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Title
IX/ADA/Section 504 Coordinator
Phone: (801) 581-8365
Abusive Conduct
This policy applies to all University of Utah employees and all academic and administrative units of the University, including University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics.
Abusive Conduct and a Culture of Respect
The University of Utah complies with state laws that prohibit abusive conduct in the workplace. This includes physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct by an employee toward another employee that, based on the severity, nature, or frequency of the conduct, a reasonable person would determine any of the following;
- Intends to intimidate, humiliate, or cause unwarranted distress;
- Exploits an employee's known physical or psychological disability; or
- Is unwarranted and results in substantial physical or psychological harm as a result of intimidation, humiliation or distress.
Click for Reporting Resources
Abusive Conduct Reporting Form
Regarding Faculty Member Abusive Conduct:
If the faculty member is in the Health Sciences area (Dentistry, Medicine, Health, Nursing, Pharmacy, Health Sciences Library), please send an e-mail to to arrange a time for consultation.
If the faculty member is in the Academic Affairs Colleges/Schools (not included in above list), please e-mail to to arrange a time for consultation.
Hazing & Bullying
Policy 6-400: Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (Student Code)
Includes physical or verbal assault, sexual harassment, hazing, threats, intimidation, coercion or any other behavior which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any member of the University community or any other person while on University premises, at University activities, or on premises over which the University has supervisory responsibility pursuant to state statute or local ordinance.
Click for Reporting Resources
Dean of Students: Reporting Behavioral Misconduct
All complaints or reports of a possible violation of the Student Code are investigated
by a student conduct officer appointed by the Dean of Students.
Any person directly aggrieved by an alleged violation of the Standards of Behavior or any faculty member, student, or staff member may submit an oral(2) or written complaint to the dean of students, or designee, within forty-five (45) business days of the date of discovery of the alleged violation.
Reporting Obligation
Responsible employees are required to report any information about possible sexual misconduct or discrimination to the OEO/AA. Campus security authorities (CSAs) are required to report crimes that occurred on campus to campus police.
Responsible employees are university employees, including students in paid leadership positions, who are required to report sexual misconduct to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action per university regulations. Examples of responsible employees include:
- Professors and other faculty
- Administration and staff (non-mental health)
- Resident advisors
- Student employees
- Campus police or campus security officials
- Athletic coaches/assistants
Click for Reporting Resources
The reporting obligation applies regardless of whether the member of the UU community is the person who was subjected to the misconduct or the person accused of the misconduct.
The reporting obligation applies regardless of where or when an incident occurred, including if it occurred off campus and/or before they were a member of the campus community.
- The reporting obligation applies regardless of how the information was conveyed to a responsible employee (whether spoken, written, or through a third party).
Other Policies, Rules, & Guidelines
- Policy 1-004: Intimidation and Violence in the Academic Environment
- Policy 1-020: Required Professional Boundaries in Relationships
- Policy 5-111: Corrective Action and Termination Policy for Staff Employees
- Policy 6-316: Code of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
- University Rule R5-210: Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
- Mandatory Reporters
- Utah Victims Bill of Rights
- Policy 7-001: Policy for Research Misconduct
- Code of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
- Code of Conduct for Staff
- Concerning Behavior (BIT Team)
Click for Reporting Resources
The University should respond promptly and effectively to reports of violence, harassment, and any and all conduct violations and will take appropriate action to prevent, correct, and when necessary and possible, discipline behavior that violates the law and/or University of Utah policies.