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Cayuse Upgrade Changes

Cayuse upgraded over the weekend and there is a substantial change to attachments plus a new way to search for opportunities.


In this release, the Cayuse 424 team will improve the usability, stability, and consistency of attachments throughout the application. Many of the improvements were requested or inspired by our users. In fact, over 62 customer requests were addressed in this release, many having to do with attachments and attachment-related validations. The following such improvements will be available throughout Cayuse 424.

(A) Attachment point labeling is now Final/Draft instead of PDF/SRC. Documents uploaded to the Final attachment point will be submitted in the proposal and documents attached to the Draft attachment point will not be submitted as they provide an option to upload draft versions of documents for internal purposes. The functionality and order on the page have not changed - just the terminology and appearance have been updated to better communicate their purpose.

(B) Once a document is uploaded, the Add button changes to Manage, the "no final" placeholder is replaced with the filename of the final attachment which can be clicked to view it, the "no draft" placeholder is replaced with "draft" which can be clicked to view it, and metadata is displayed to support easy review of the page count, file type, and file size of PDFs and file type of non-PDFs. File size will not be displayed for attachments uploaded prior to this release.

(C) Field level validations have been added to attachment upload dialogs to guide users to adjust attachment filenames to be a total of 50 characters or less. When an attachment has a 3-character file type such as PDF, you can enter up to 36 characters. When an attachment has a 4-character file type such as docx, you can enter up to 35 characters. These limits are enforced in 424 to prevent filenames from exceeding the 50 character limit that is required by some sponsors and recommended by while leaving room for the attachment file type, as well as, the unique number Cayuse 424 appends to file names which protects against submission rejection. Any previously uploaded attachments that exceed this limit will be reported through the Validate Proposal validation checks.

(D) Lists of attachments can now be reordered by changing the number associated with each attachment. This method, which replaces the previous reordering method of clicking arrows, improves usability and stability


Package ID is a new, unique identifier for Opportunities that simplifies the search and retrieval of opportunities and the submission of proposals. Package ID will appear in Cayuse 424 in the following places:

(A) The "Opportunity Details" modal that is displayed when you click on the blue "i" from the Opportunity page
(B) The "Proposal Information" page that is displayed after clicking the blue "i" within a proposal
(C) The "Opportunity Details" section of the "Electronic Submission" tab within a proposal
(D) The "Opportunities" table
(E) The "Download Opportunities" modal, where Package ID is now one of the inputs that may be used to search for opportunities.


Last Updated: 12/1/22