Starting May 20th, all NSF senior/key personnel must certify that they are not a party to a malign foreign talent recruitment program
NSF Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs (FTRP) Certification Requirements
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1) will go into effect May 20, 2024.
One significant change is Chapter II.D.1.e(ii), Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs (FTRPs). This new section addresses Section 10632 of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (42 U.S.C. § 19232) regarding malign foreign talent recruitment programs.

Compliance Café : Federal Research and Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs
OSP and the Office of Foreign Influence will discuss the Federal Research Compliance and Certification Requirements Regarding Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs at an upcoming Compliance Café, hosted by the Research Quality Compliance Network (RQCN).
You can watch the May 21, 2024 recording here (under previous recordings).
New Certification Requirements
Starting May 20th, all individuals designated as senior/key personnel on NSF proposals must certify that they are not a party to a malign foreign talent recruitment program.
Individuals who are party to a Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program are not eligible to serve as a senior/key person on an NSF proposal.
This new certification is provided separately for each individual designated as senior/key personnel on the proposal.
- The SciENcv Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support documents require each individual to certify that the information provided is accurate,
current, and complete, and that they are not a party to a malign foreign talent recruitment
- See also NSF disclosure requirements and related disclosures table
- The SciENcv Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support documents require each individual to certify that the information provided is accurate,
current, and complete, and that they are not a party to a malign foreign talent recruitment
Any proposal missing this updated signed certification for a senior/key person will be rejected or withdrawn for non-compliance.
Prior to making funding recommendations, the NSF program officer will request updated versions of the Current and Pending (Other) Support be submitted via
Re-certification is required annually thereafter for the duration of the award. Updated Current and Pending (Other) Support must be disclosed to NSF when annual and final progress reports are submitted.
- will not accept the 24-1 Bio Sketch and Current & Pending (Other) support forms until May 18, 2024.
- Before updating to the 24-1 versions, be sure to copy over the synergistic activities. These will automatically be removed when converting to the 24-1 version.
- For detailed information about the conversion from 23-1 to 24-1 formats and the required certifications, please watch this NSF implementation webinar (April 25, 2024).
Foreign Influence Consultation
Individuals are required to completely and accurately disclosure all foreign relationships in the University Business Relationship Reporting (BRR) system. These disclosures should match what is being reported and certified on the SciENcv documents.
Office of Foreign Influence. Anyone who has been approached with an opportunity to join a FTRP or is unsure whether they are involved in a FTRP should request a foreign influence consult with the
Anyone unfamiliar with the topic of foreign influence should register for RED 352 | Foreign Influence: Heightened Awareness and Increased Activity (online).
NSF Definition of Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs
Any program, position, or activity that is sponsored by one of the following:
- A foreign country of concern (defined as the People's Republic of China including Hong Kong and Macau, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, or any other country determined to be a country of concern by the Secretary of State); or
- An entity based in a foreign country of concern; or
- An institution or program on certain prohibited lists (contact OSP for restricted party screening).
Involves one or more of the following:
- Unauthorized transfer of intellectual property, materials, data or other nonpublic information;
- Recruitment of trainees or researchers to enroll in such program, position or activity;
- Establishing a laboratory or entity in a foreign country in violation of terms and conditions of a federal research award;
- Accepting a faculty position, or undertaking any other employment or appointment in violation of the standard terms and conditions of a federal research award;
- Being unable to terminate the activity except in extraordinary circumstances;
- Being limited in capacity to carry out a federal research award;
- Requirement to engage in work that overlaps or duplicates a federal research award;
- Requirement to obtain research funding from the foreign government’s entities;
- Requirement to omit acknowledgement of the U.S. home institution and/or the federal funding agency;
- Requirement to not disclose participation in the program, position, or activity; OR
- Having a conflict of interest or commitment contrary to a federal research award.
Questions re: NSF certifications should be sent to your Sponsored Projects Officer.