Preparing to Use Workspace is a web portal for electronic proposal development and submission.
The University of Utah requires the use of Cayuse for supported grant proposals. For NSF applications, we require that be used. Review the Cayuse information in Electronic Submission & Registration.
If submitted through Cayuse or sent directly through Workspace, then electronically forwards submitted applications to the respective funding agency (NIH and others). itself is NOT a funding agency.
Anyone at the University planning to submit an application for federal funding, that is not supported by Cayuse, should create a Workspace account.
- Account must be created by the individual.
- Register
- Account is needed to be added to a Workspace as a participant
- Participants can have access to application forms and attachments in Workspace without being affiliated with an institution.
- An account is not required to be listed as Key Personnel in a propoal
- Affiliation of an account is required in order for OSP to have access to and submit
a Workspace proposal
- Affiliation of the account with the University of Utah DUNS is done by the individual during the account registration and profile completion process. (UofU DUNS = 009095365)
- An account can have multiple affiliations.
New Workspace users should read and review the following material:
Please note: The University of Utah is registered as an institution at Workspace, and each Sponsored Projects Officer has a username and password that is reserved for use by OSP for the purpose of submitting proposals on behalf of the institution. Individual investigators or his/her designees are not required to have a username and password in order to use Workspace to complete applications prior to submission via OSP.

- If you download your application package in Cayuse and receive an error that the opportunity is not fully supported, please review the guidance on Workspace.
OSP Employee Portal (login required)