Electronic Submission & Registration
Use one account and password for secure, private access to participating government agencies.
Cayuse S2S (formerly 424)
We are now using Cayuse for supported proposal submissions to Grants.gov. In most cases, Cayuse is required to be used instead of Grants.gov Workspace, with the exception of NSF proposals. For NSF, you must use NSF FastLane or Research.gov.
Registration: Cayuse can be accessed via Campus Information Systems (CIS). You will use your uNID and password to log in. New investigators and staff will need to request access/register with OSP. Please include your name, uNID, and email address in your request.
FedConnect is used by many US defense agencies to communicate pre-award, post/deliver awards, and post-award phases (including some reporting functions) using secure 2-way messaging.
Registration: Individual registration is required. Click the 'Register for Free Account' link on the FedConnect homepage to register (use your utah.edu email). The UEI and DUNS numbers can be found in quick reference. Once you complete and click 'register', the FedConnect Admin in OSP will review and approve your account with the Vendor Representative role. This will generate an email notification to the user.
Grants.gov is the centralized portal, established by the Federal government, to provide a unified electronic source that will allow you to find funding opportunities and submit proposals.
Registration: While the University of Utah is registered with Grants.gov; individual registration is required for Workspace.
Multiple federal agencies, including non-NIH HHS and Homeland Security utilize GrantSolutions for proposal processing, award notification and management, financial and progress reports, and closeout.
- Agencies create/affiliate accounts for OSP and PI's based on proposal contacts.
- OSP can submit a form to request additional central admin access.
GrantSolutions now uses Login.gov for access.
Learn how to access GrantSolutions through Login.gov
OSP can request access to specific awards, see a list of users - but has no account management role (e.g., can't reset a password or modify contact email address).
National Institutes of Health (NIH) eRA Commons
If you are planning to apply to the NIH for funding, it is required to have an eRA Commons user account. For the purposes of exchanging research grants administration information, the NIH provides this “Commons.”
To access the system, users need an account. An eRA Commons account is also required to submit to NIH.
- Account must be created by OSP. See the procedure on how to request eRA Commons Access.
The xTrain module of Commons is used for the preparation and submission of statement of appointment forms and termination notices for the institutional research training, fellowship, education, and career development awards.
National Science Foundation (NSF) Research.Gov
Research.Gov are the research community's online portals to the National Science Foundation (NSF).
NSF requires electronic submission for all proposals, including revisions and supplements. OSP requires that submissions to NSF go through Research.gov, rather than through Grants.gov or Cayuse. To initiate a proposal via Research.gov, you first need to be a registered user.
- Account must be affiliated by OSP. See the procedure on how to request NSF Fastlane/Research.gov Access.
For more information, see NSF Proposal Preparation.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
NSPIRES is the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System. This web-based system supports the entire life cycle of NASA research solicitation and awards, from the release of solicitation announcements through the peer review and selection process, to awards management and publication of research results. Cayuse can also be used for NASA proposals, but check the announcement to see if NSPIRES is required.
- NSPIRES Registration
Account must be created by the individual. - Affiliation with the University of Utah must be requested during the account creation process. OSP receives and evaluates requests for affiliation. After registering, contact your Sponsored Projects Officer to let them know that you have requested affiliation.
OSP cannot manage information for a person's account or reset passwords.
Roles: There are no PI roles to manage. Access to individual proposals require only an account.
NOAA GrantsOnline
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) uses the GrantsOnline system for award notifications, award task management, financial and progress reporting.
- Accounts must be created by OSP, and information will be sent to the new user. The password for a newly created account is valid for only 24 hours. After that, the OSP admin has to reset the password for the new user to try again.
- Roles and award access are assigned and managed by a system admin or Recipient Authorized Representative (OSP administrative staff).
Passwords for existing accounts are reset by OSP.
EBRAP - Department of Defense - Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
The EBRAP system allows for pre-applications, post-submission application validation, award notifications, and financial reporting.
- Accounts are created by the individual user, and affiliated with the University of Utah during the registration process.
Special considerations:
Pre-applications: A PI account is required to initiate a pre-application. An OSP Business Official must be identified for the pre-proposal.
Full Applications: Submitted by OSP through Cayuse 424 or Grants.gov Workspace, but the same person who was identified as a Business Official in the pre-proposal must be identified as the Business Official in a full application to have access to the submitted information.
Roles: An account with PI role is required for submission of pre-applications.
OSP has to approve account affiliation requests. OSP cannot see or manage individual account information.
PAMS Department of Energy
The Department of Energy uses the Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS) for pre-application and LOI submission, full proposal submission, post-submission proposal review, award management, reporting, closeout, and commercialization plans.
- Accounts are created here by the individual user, then registered to an institution. Search for University of Utah or DUNS 009095365.
OSP cannot see or manage individual accounts or reset passwords. OSP can manage user access to the system and to specific awards.
Special Circumstances:
There are federal portals that allow individuals to submit proposals, but require an institutional DUNS in order for an award to be issued. Department of Energy ARPA-E and EERE are two examples. Proposals submitted to these agencies by University of Utah personnel should include the University of Utah DUNS in their applications (009095365).
USDA ezFedGrants
ezFedGrants is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) system that allows for application submission, award management, progress and financial reports, and invoices.
Because the system lacks a PI role, it doesn't provide transparency for action item assignments, and does not make a distinction of access for proposal submission, progress reports, and financial actions. Currently, the PI has the responsibility for actions to be completed in ezFedGrants.
American Heart Association
The AHA uses Grants@Heart to manage the entire application process. The system is available to all AHA research applicants, grants officers, fiscal officers, peer reviewers, awardees, etc.
- Accounts must be created here by the individual user. See How to Register.
Please note that proposal, not PI accounts, are affiliated with the University.
- A PI account is needed to initiate an application.
- Proposals are affiliated with institutions during the application creation process, based on the Pi's answer to the Where Work Will be Done choice.
- OSP submits applications.
- A grant officer and fiscal officer must be added to the proposal. The selections have to be made by, and can only be changed by, the PI.
- Please contact OSP for guidance about who to select for these roles.
- There is no assistant role or account in this system.
OSP does not have access to PI account information. The application is routed to the specified grant officer for submission. OSP submits applications, but cannot edit them.

Jump to System Registration Process
- Cayuse
- FedConnect
- Grants.gov
- GrantSolutions
- NIH eRA Commons
- NSF FastLane
- NOAA GrantsOnline
- USDA ezFedGrants
- American Heart Association