Read & Understand Sponsor Guidelines
The notice of award (NOA) is a legally binding document that contains or references all terms and conditions of the award, and documents the obligation of funds. PI’s and his/her administering departments should understand and comply with all award terms and conditions.
If the PI wants to change or revise the terms of the award, he/she should contact OSP for guidance and approval. In some cases, prior approval of the sponsor is required and in other cases it can be done without explicit approval by "expanded authority". For information on common post-award actions and revisions such as re-budgeting and no-cost extensions, see Manage and Report.
If the University is issued a subcontract under a federal award, any changes (such as project period, re-budgeting, adding funds, or other changes) must be agreed to in writing between the University and the collaborating institution acting as our sponsor. For example, when a new year of funds is awarded, at least two changes are automatically required: the additional funds and time. Any contract can be amended as long as it doesn’t contradict the terms of the sponsor’s prime agreement and all the parties agree to the changes.