Collecting & Analyzing Data
Data is the raw material produced by a research study. Data can be gathered in a number of ways and is analyzed to make a case for or against the hypothesis of the study. The University provides a number of different resources to assist researchers with this vital step in a research study.
Gathering Data
The Biomedical Informatics Core (BMIC) is a core of the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) that provides researchers with a variety of data gathering and information technology production and consultation services.
They also make the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) application available at no-cost to University researchers. See REDCap tutorials.
The Clinical Services Center (CSC) of the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) provides low-cost research-trained nursing staff and a clinical suite facility on the 5th floor of the University hospital for research study participant visits.
- REDCap: contact BRISC for registration and training
- Clinical Services Center (CSC): contact and information for investigators
Analyzing Data
The Study Design and Biostatistics Center (SDBC) is a group of biostatisticians and epidemiologists from a variety of departments on the Health Sciences campus who together provide study design and data analysis services for clinical researchers. The initial consultation and the first additional hour of assistance from the SDBC are paid for by the Center for Clinical and Translational Science through NIH grant #8UL1TR000105. It is recommended that clinical researchers contact the SDBC early in the research process to ensure a quality study design and a proper design for subsequent analysis of study data.
The University Libraries provide the SPSS, Minitab and Stata statistical analysis packages on computers within the library, at various computer labs around campus and remotely through a virtual desktop. The Marriott Library offers statistical assistance using SPSS, SAS, and Stata on a drop-in and appointment basis. For more information, see the Statistical Support Libguide.
Databib "is a searchable catalog / registry / directory / bibliograhy of research data repositories". This tool can assist researchers in finding appropriate data repositories for their own data, as well as provide data sets for exploratory analysis.