Coordinate Pre-Award Compliance Components
The University promotes, through policy and process, the highest standards of regulatory compliance in all areas of sponsored projects, including but not limited to: protection of human subjects (IRB); appropriate use of animals in research (IACUC); appropriate handling of radioactive, hazardous and toxic materials and wastes; biosafety; conflicts of interest and integrity in research. In addition, the reporting of research results, compliance with federal and international laws, assurance that charges to sponsored projects are allowable and allocable, and documentation of cost sharing are critical issues in university audits. Listed below are some pre-award regulatory areas of concern you may need to coordinate prior to submission of your proposed project.
It is important that PI’s inform the University if their projects include any areas covered by these compliance issues. To facilitate this, it is important that your Document Summary Sheet (DSS), which asks pertinent questions regarding these compliance issues, be filled out completely and accurately. In doing so, you may be required to coordinate with various compliance offices for the following issues:
- Use of Human Subjects in Research
- Use of Animals in Research & Testing
- Conflict of Interest
- Responsible Conflict of Interest
Research Integrity and Compliance also maintains a comprehensive list of compliance offices and information.
Please feel free to contact Jeffrey Botkin, Associate Vice President for Research, with regard to compliance in the areas listed above.