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Subrecipient Closeout

When a project includes a subcontract, the subrecipient carries the same closeout responsibilities as the University of Utah. The subrecipient must submit:

  1. A final invoice no later than 60 days following termination
  2. A final technical report (in writing, unless an exception has been approved) to the PI. The PI is responsible for approving the final technical report and retaining it for inclusion in the final technical report to the prime sponsor.
  3. A patent report, if applicable.
  4. A property report, if applicable.

At the time a subcontract ends, OSP performs a review of the subcontract to assure that all necessary amendments or other closing actions have been achieved including receipt of audit reports.

Any remaining encumbrance under the subcontract may be liquidated if the department emails OSP a rebudget request.

Grant Life Cycle step 1: Generate Your Idea Step 2: Find Funding Step 3: Develop Your Proposal Step 4: Submit Your Proposal Step 5: Manage Your Award step 6: Share Your Research
Last Updated: 11/30/22