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In order to meet federal requirements, we review all grant applications, along with University-required forms, before submission to the funding agency.

We provide a list of Institutional Information you may need to complete forms related to your proposals and awards.

Internal Post-Award Budget Forms & Templates:

Form Name Details
OSP Award Setup Budget Worksheet (XLS)

This budget conforms with Grants & Contract Accounting (GCA) requirements and is required for all eAward transactions involving the addition of funds.

Please convert the award budget into this template and attach in eAward. Any other format will likely result in the transaction being returned by GCA. 

NOTE: for proposal development, please use the format required by the sponsor outlined in the notice of funding opportunity. 

Clinical Trials Budget Worksheet (XLS) Required to set up a clinical trials award
Re-budget Worksheet (XLS) Required whenever reallocation of funds from one spending category to another is requested. Depending on the award terms and conditions, formal reallocation of funds may need to be pre-approved.
Re-budget Worksheet for Companion Projects (XLS) Required to establish one or more companion projects post-award - or to rebudget among companion projects. If setting up companions at time of award, please just submit individual budgets using the OSP budget worksheet.
Budget Calculator for Multiple F&A Rates Provide to assist with budget creation and calculate the F&A during budget periods spanning two or more fiscal years with varying/multiple overhead rates.
F&A Reduction/Waiver (XLS) Required post-award or post-DSS integration when a PI is requesting to waive or reduce F&A below the University's negotiated rate and the circumstances are outside the University's limited exceptions.

Internal Pre-Award Budget Forms & Templates:

Form Name Details
F&A Distribution Agreement (DOC) Required to state intended distribution of F&A across various colleges or departments when companion projects are not being used.

Cost Share Approval (XLS)


Required to request voluntary or mandatory cost share. The completed form must be attached in eProposal when the project is proposed. For guidance see Cost-Sharing.

3rd Party Cost Share Commitment (DOC)

May be required when 3rd party cost-share is proposed.

Letters of Intent:

Form Name Details

Outgoing Domestic Subawards

Letter of Intent for Domestic Subrecipients to Establish a Subaward with the University of Utah (PDF) - all prime sponsors except NSF and NASA

Optional to obtain at the proposal stage whenever collaboration with a subrecipient is proposed in UU budget

NOTE: To issue a subaward post-award, departments are required to request through eAward. At this time, the subrecipient will be required to complete the full subrecipient commitment information electronically.

Outgoing Foreign Subawards

Letter of Intent for Foreign Subrecipients (all prime sponsors except NSF and NASA) to Establish a Subaward with the UofU (PDF) 


Required to obtain at the proposal stage whenever collaboration with a foreign subrecipient is proposed in UofU budget. For proposals to NSF or NASA, please use the NSF or NASA specific LOI.

Outgoing NSF Subawards

Letter of Intent for Domestic & Foreign Subrecipients (under a prime NSF award) to Establish a Subaward with the UofU (DOC) 

Required to obtain at the proposal stage whenever collaboration with a subrecipient is proposed in UU budget to NSF. For internal purposes only. Upload into ePropoposal but not

Outgoing NASA Subawards

Letter of Intent for Domestic & Foreign Subrecipients (under a prime NASA award) to Establish a Subaward with the UofU (DOC) 

Required to obtain at the proposal stage whenever collaboration with a subrecipient is proposed in UU budget to NASA. For internal purposes only. Upload into ePropoposal but not NSPIRES.

Incoming Subcontracts

Letter of Commitment to Subaward to the UofU (DOC) 
Recommended template when prime or pass-through institution requests University's stated intent to enter into subcontract negotiations upon award.

Memorandum of Understanding:

Form Name Details

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Template

This MOU is the preferred template for use by OSP when a collaborator requests an MOU at the pre-award stage.

Other OSP Forms:

Form Name Details
Relinquishing Memo (DOC)

Required when an exiting PI requests transfer of an award to his/her new institution.

Change of PI form (DOC) Required to request a change of Principal Investigator.
Sponsored Project vs External Sales Guidelines Questionnaire (Recharge Validation) (DOC) Guidelines to assist departments in making a determination regarding the administrative treatment of an externally funded activity (not a gift) when such treatment is not clearly indicated under existing University policies.

See also Agreement Templates and Other University Standard Form Contracts.

Last Updated: 3/25/25