In order to meet federal requirements, we review all grant applications, along with University-required forms, before submission to the funding agency.
We provide a list of Institutional Information you may need to complete forms related to your proposals and awards.
Internal Post-Award Budget Forms & Templates:
Form Name | Details |
OSP Award Setup Budget Worksheet (XLS) |
This budget conforms with Grants & Contract Accounting (GCA) requirements and is required
for all eAward transactions involving the addition of funds. NOTE: for proposal development, please use the format required by the sponsor outlined in the notice of funding opportunity. |
Clinical Trials Budget Worksheet (XLS) | Required to set up a clinical trials award |
Re-budget Worksheet (XLS) | Required whenever reallocation of funds from one spending category to another is requested. Depending on the award terms and conditions, formal reallocation of funds may need to be pre-approved. |
Re-budget Worksheet for Companion Projects (XLS) | Required to establish one or more companion projects post-award - or to rebudget among companion projects. If setting up companions at time of award, please just submit individual budgets using the OSP budget worksheet. |
Budget Calculator for Multiple F&A Rates | Provide to assist with budget creation and calculate the F&A during budget periods spanning two or more fiscal years with varying/multiple overhead rates. |
F&A Reduction/Waiver (XLS) | Required post-award or post-DSS integration when a PI is requesting to waive or reduce F&A below the University's negotiated rate and the circumstances are outside the University's limited exceptions. |
Internal Pre-Award Budget Forms & Templates:
Form Name | Details |
F&A Distribution Agreement (DOC) | Required to state intended distribution of F&A across various colleges or departments when companion projects are not being used. |
Required to request voluntary or mandatory cost share. The completed form must be attached in eProposal when the project is proposed. For guidance see Cost-Sharing. |
May be required when 3rd party cost-share is proposed. |
Letters of Intent:
Form Name | Details |
Letter of Intent for Domestic Subrecipients to Establish a Subaward with the University of Utah (PDF) - all prime sponsors except NSF and NASA |
Optional to obtain at the proposal stage whenever collaboration with a subrecipient is proposed in UU budget NOTE: To issue a subaward post-award, departments are required to request through eAward. At this time, the subrecipient will be required to complete the full subrecipient commitment information electronically. |
Letter of Intent for Foreign Subrecipients (all prime sponsors except NSF and NASA) to Establish a Subaward with the UofU (PDF) |
Required to obtain at the proposal stage whenever collaboration with a foreign subrecipient is proposed in UofU budget. For proposals to NSF or NASA, please use the NSF or NASA specific LOI. |
Outgoing NSF Subawards |
Required to obtain at the proposal stage whenever collaboration with a subrecipient is proposed in UU budget to NSF. For internal purposes only. Upload into ePropoposal but not |
Outgoing NASA Subawards |
Required to obtain at the proposal stage whenever collaboration with a subrecipient is proposed in UU budget to NASA. For internal purposes only. Upload into ePropoposal but not NSPIRES. |
Incoming Subcontracts Letter of Commitment to Subaward to the UofU (DOC) |
Recommended template when prime or pass-through institution requests University's stated intent to enter into subcontract negotiations upon award. |
Memorandum of Understanding:
Form Name | Details |
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) |
This MOU is the preferred template for use by OSP when a collaborator requests an MOU at the pre-award stage. |
Other OSP Forms:
Form Name | Details |
Relinquishing Memo (DOC) |
Required when an exiting PI requests transfer of an award to his/her new institution. |
Change of PI form (DOC) | Required to request a change of Principal Investigator. |
Sponsored Project vs External Sales Guidelines Questionnaire (Recharge Validation) (DOC) | Guidelines to assist departments in making a determination regarding the administrative treatment of an externally funded activity (not a gift) when such treatment is not clearly indicated under existing University policies. |
See also Agreement Templates and Other University Standard Form Contracts.