Policies & Compliance
- Research Conduct
- Combatting Human Trafficking
- Research Security
- Research Handbook
- 1. Roles & Responsibilities
- 2. Standards for Conduct of Research
- 3. Overview of Sponsored Projects Administration
- 4. Funding Sources & Opportunities
- 5. Proposal Development
- 6. Budget Development
- 7. Procedures for the Submission of Proposals
- 8. Award Acceptance
- 9. Award Management
- 10. Research Related Regulations, Policies & Procedures
- 11. Other Conduct of Research Issues
- 12. Acronyms & Definitions
- 13. Glossary
- Procedure Library
- Regulations Library
Funding Sources & Opportunities
Various federal agencies provide funding to small businesses to conduct research and development with the goal of commercializing technology. This federal funding occurs via two different award mechanisms:
- Small Business Innovation Research (“SBIR”)
- Small Business Technology Transfer (“STTR”)
Both SBIR and STTR awards are made directly to a small business concern (“SBC”). A SBC is a for-profit company that is the applicant for a SBIR/STTR award.
STTRs require that the SBC collaborate with a research institution (“RI”) for a certain portion of the award. SBIRs do not require RI involvement, but SBCs often collaborate with RIs on SBIRs. A RI is the research institution partner, such as the University of Utah, that collaborates with a SBC for a SBIR/STTR award through a subcontract/subaward under the SBC.
University of Utah meets the criteria to serve as a RI for SBIRs and STTRs. The U's involvement in either a SBIR or a STTR occurs when it is either included in the proposal or the federal sponsor has provided approval to SBC to engage with the University and is awarded via a subcontract/subaward from the SBC to the University. In cases where there is a collaboration/subcontract/subaward between the SBC and the RI, there is an SBC PI and an RI PI (i.e. a PI for each side of the collaboration).
Currently, eleven separate agencies participate in the SBIR program, and five in the STTR program, and the standards can differ from program to program. Generally, the key differences between the two programs are as follows:
For more information on PI eligibility, see the SBIR Tutorial.
If you are a PI and anticipate participating as a subrecipient to a SBC receiving funding, please also review the SBIR/STTR Implementation Procedure.
The Same Individual Serving as University PI and SBC PI
For SBIR awards, the SBC PI must be primarily employed by the SBC or "company". Most faculty members are fully employed by the University and therefore cannot serve as the PI for an SBC. To serve as PI for a SBC, the faculty member cannot have a University position or appointment of greater than 49%. However, in some circumstances, the University faculty member may serve as co-PI for the University (RI).
For STTR awards, the PI named on the award may be primarily employed by either the company or the University.
For the work conducted for both SBIR and STTR awards, the SBC PI and the RI PI may not be the same individual. While not explicitly stated, the STTR/SBIR policy, instructions, and project percentage requirements make clear that establishing a separation of entities and roles is important. Having the same person on both sides of the collaboration blurs the respective parties’ project roles, responsibilities and effort/time commitments.
Specific sponsor policies or requirements may differ and be more restrictive. For example, the NSF guidance states that no person who is an equity holder, employee, or officer of the proposing small business may (1) be paid as a consultant, or (2) be paid through a subaward budget, in either case, unless recommended and approved by the NSF.
Faculty members that have an interest in a SBC must read all sponsor requirements for SBIR/STTR proposals and awards carefully and note what situations may be prohibited or that may require advance sponsor approval. It is strongly recommended that the SBC engage counsel to review and advise on the grant awards, and hire accountants with specific expertise in SBIRs and STTRs.
Consulting for a Faculty Affiliated Company
Under University policy, faculty may work with outside companies as consultants. From a conflict of interest and conflict of commitment perspective, it is best for an individual to act either as a consultant to the company on grant-related activities, or as a researcher on a subcontract to the University, but not both.
As a general rule, if the faculty affiliated company is sponsoring research at the University under an SBIR or STTR, the faculty member should not be paid as a consultant under the award.
Participation of Trainees
Trainees at all levels, including undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, and research associates (or equivalent), may engage in SBIR/STTR projects.
University investigators must explain to trainees that the ultimate goal of SBIR/STTR projects is to commercialize the technology. University investigators should provide guidance that helps avoid potential conflicts of interest between the trainees and mentors.
Trainees are not obligated to participate in SBIR/STTR projects unless there has been prior written agreement between both parties. Employees and trainees who participate as investigators on these projects must submit a financial disclosure via the BRR system to the University of Utah and are subject to oversight by the Conflict of Interest (COI) Office.
Generally, the roles and scope of trainees in SBIR/STTR activities follow the policies
set by the Small Business Administration (SBA). Most federal agencies participating
in SBIR/STTR programs have specific requirements for the Principal Investigator (PI)
being employed by the SBC at the time of application and being full-time employees
of the SBC by the time of the award. However, there are certain programs where PIs
can be full-time employees of the University, if specific award policies allow such
employment-related rules.
*Trainees who are paid from fellowship or training awards should confirm with sponsors
that they are allowed to participate in SBIR/STTR activities.
Use of Support Staff
Faculty may engage University support staff for SBIR/STTR activities in a limited capacity depending on the roles of the faculty members and in alignment with Department policy. For example, the faculty may engage support staff in scheduling the faculty member’s time and reserving meeting rooms.
Management of Faculty Affiliated Company Grants
The faculty affiliated company/external entity is responsible for all grant administration relating to company grants, including SBIR and STTR grants. The faculty affiliated company/external entity should seek professional advice on appropriate grant management and administration.
SBC Use of University Space
Small businesses certify in their SBIR and STTR applications and award documents to the federal government that the SBC research and development will occur in SBC facilities using company employees unless otherwise indicated in the SBIR or STTR application and approved in the funding agreement. Therefore, performing the SBC portion of such research in University space using University resources may result in a conflict of interest especially on the intellectual property and should be discussed and agreed to prior in the collaboration agreement.
Federal and Sponsor Specific Guidance
The US Small Business Administration provides guidance to interested parties wishing to pursue SBIR or STTR funding opportunities. Their website includes general information as well as links to individual federal sponsor programs. Sponsors may have additional guidelines or restrictions and those small businesses seeking to pursue a SBIR or STTR project should be careful to thoroughly review guidelines and restrictions.
SBIR/STTR Implementation Procedure
Questions and concerns about SBIR/STTR should be addressed to Douglas Wawrzynski.
Additional External Resources: