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NSF Transfer Process (Outgoing)

The NSF Transfer Policy (PAPPG 23-1) requires that NSF approve transfers from one institution to another before the expiration of the project period. The decision to authorize transfer of the grant will be based upon the following information:

  1. The project has been relinquished by the institution before the expiration.
  2. The facilities and resources at the new location allow for the successful performance of the project.
  3. The PI plans no significant change in research objectives and level of expenditures from those described in the previously approved project.

  1. STEP 1: Preliminary Approval

    The PI must notify the NSF Program Office to request preliminary approval for the transfer, to request continued support at a new institution.

    If NSF agrees, proceed to step 2.

    Note: When the amount of time and funds remaining in the project are modest, the awardee may issue a subaward to the new institution after receiving formal NSF approval for adding a replacement PI and a new subrecipient.  See the NSF Adding Subrecipient Institution procedure
  2. STEP 2: Relinquishing Memo

    The PI, typically with the help of the department admin, must complete a Relinquishing Memo and  obtain department approvals for each award to be transferred.

    At this time, the PI and/or department admin must send this completed Relinquishing Memo to OSP for review, endorsement, and routing for VPR approvals.
  3. STEP 3: Letter of Commitment

    The PI should request a letter of commitment from the new institution and send it to OSP.

    This letter should include:
    1. The new institutions willingness to accept the award
    2. The new institutions EPSCoR status
    3. The new institutions UEI (to be sure the transfer is routed correctly)
    4. The new institutions point of contact
  4. STEP 4: Project/s Termination

    The PI, in coordination with the department admin, must end the project/s in Management Reports using eAward.

    Submit the Award Modification Setup Request Transaction > New Performance/Budget Period End Dates option.

    Attach the approved Relinquishing Memo as formal approval for revising the end date and beginning the termination.
  5. STEP 5: eAward Subaward Termination

    If the award involves an active subaward/s, the PI, in coordination with the department admin, must submit a Subaward Modification Setup Request in eAward to de-obligate and terminate the subaward/s.

    Attach the approved Relinquishing Memo as formal approval for terminating the subawards.
  6. STEP 6: Required PI/Department Provided Documentation

    The PI and/or the department admin must send OSP the following:
    1. Brief summary of progress to date
    2. Description of work to be performed
    3. Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan, if applicable
  7. STEP 7: OSP Initiates Transfer Request in

    Once the project is closed, the internal changes are reflected in Management Reports, and any subawards have been terminated, the PI will need to create a new request for the outgoing PI transfer, as shown below.  See instructions on how to initiate a request

    * OAU's are not able to access post-award notifications and requests. The SPO will need to take a more active role in preparing and managing the transfer request.
    * When SPOs initiate a transfer in Notifications & Requests, SPO name will show in the Prepared by column and the status will show as 'Work in Progress'. These 'Work in Progress' notifications and requests cannot be seen by other SPOs.

    prepare NSF transfer

    OSP will:
    1. Use the date immediately following termination in Management Reports as the proposed start date
    2. Use the amounts remaining in Management Reports, following the final financial report, and as confirmed by the PI and/or department to verify the amount to be transferred
    3. Enter the UEI provided to select the new institution
    4. Upload the Brief summary of progress to date
    5. Upload the Description of work to be performed
    6. Upload the Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan, if applicable

    The budget and budget justification will be completed by the new institution.
  8. STEP 8: OSP Forwards the Transfer Request to the New Institution

    The University of Utah concurs with the formal relinquishing and transfer of the award by forwarding the request to the new institution. The PI will receive email confirmation and the request is routed to the new institution to complete the transfer request.

    Once forwarded, the University of Utah OSP can no longer see the progress of this transfer request.
  9. STEP 9. The New Institution Completes the Transfer

    The new institution completes the request by providing a detailed budget (as agreed by both institutions).
    The AOR of the new institution must sign and submit the request via
  10. STEP 10: NSF will Review the Request

    Upon receipt of the transfer request, and if approved, NSF will deduct the specified transfer amount from the original award and establish a new award number at the new institution.

    If the transfer request is declined, please work with an OSP AD to review the submission.

    Upon transfer of the grant to the new organization, any monetary discrepancies must be resolved between the original and the new grantee.
  11. STEP 11: PI Should Update their NSF Profile

    The exiting PI should request affiliation with the new institution and update contact information so that notifications go to the new institution email address.
Last Updated: 2/9/24