Policies & Compliance
- Research Conduct
- Combatting Human Trafficking
- Research Security
- Research Handbook
- 1. Roles & Responsibilities
- 2. Standards for Conduct of Research
- 3. Overview of Sponsored Projects Administration
- 4. Funding Sources & Opportunities
- 5. Proposal Development
- 6. Budget Development
- 7. Procedures for the Submission of Proposals
- 8. Award Acceptance
- 9. Award Management
- 10. Research Related Regulations, Policies & Procedures
- 11. Other Conduct of Research Issues
- 12. Acronyms & Definitions
- 13. Glossary
- Procedure Library
- Regulations Library
Procedures for the Submission of Proposals
7.1 Document Summary Sheet
The Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) reviews applications and proposals after the internal routing process is completed using an e-Proposal Document Summary Sheet (DSS). The University uses the DSS to collect needed information about proposals and to document the necessary approvals of the proposal.
Principal Investigators or administrators complete the DSS, which can be accessed through Campus Information Systems (CIS). Once you are logged in, e-Proposal can be found in the Research Administration Section.
If you are new to e-Proposal, please read the guidance documents found in the Help link on the e-Proposal header. A drop down menu will provide links to an Administrator’s Guide, an Approver’s Guide, and a User’s Guide.
After the necessary permissions have been obtained, a link to the electronically approved DSS is sent to OSP. Note: Multiple signatures are required when a Co-PI is from another department and/or college.
A DSS should be completed for all new proposals and submissions, including letters of intent and pre-proposals that require University authorization.
See Document Summary Sheet (DSS) Creation in the Procedure Library.