Policies & Compliance
- Research Conduct
- Combatting Human Trafficking
- Research Security
- Research Handbook
- 1. Roles & Responsibilities
- 2. Standards for Conduct of Research
- 3. Overview of Sponsored Projects Administration
- 4. Funding Sources & Opportunities
- 5. Proposal Development
- 6. Budget Development
- 7. Procedures for the Submission of Proposals
- 8. Award Acceptance
- 9. Award Management
- 10. Research Related Regulations, Policies & Procedures
- 11. Other Conduct of Research Issues
- 12. Acronyms & Definitions
- 13. Glossary
- Procedure Library
- Regulations Library
Award Management
9.4 Detail Transactions Report
The Detail Transaction Report lists every transaction that has occurred during the current reporting period. The body of the detail transactions report is divided into the following categories:
- OrgID. This lists the Organizational ID (OrgID) that the transaction belongs to.
- Date. This column represents the date the transaction was initiated (for purchase orders and vouchers) or the date the transaction was processed into the system (travel, direct payments, campus orders). For payroll costs, this is the date of the last day of the pay period.
- A/U. This column indicates whether a charge is allowable to include in the F&A.; a (1) in this column indicates that the charge is allowable and a (0) indicates it is unallowable.
- SRC. This column lists the source code, which is the office or entity that generates the transaction.
- Journal ID. This column lists the journal entry number for each transaction.
- Line Reference. The Line Reference column is a field used by the different departments that generate journal entries, to help identify the various different characteristics of a journal entry. The Voucher number is the line reference number for all Accounts Payable (AP) entries charged against an expense account.
- Account. The Account number divides and defines cost categories by characteristic or function.
- Description. The Description describes the type of transaction, and if it was a purchase outside the University, the name of the vendor or individual is listed.
- Budget. Lists all current month entries sorted and totaled by accounts, which adjust budgets.
- Actuals. Lists all current month entries, which affect income, expense or balance sheet entries. All expenditures and revenues would be listed in this column, sorted and totaled by account.
- Encumbrances. Reflects the total monthly change to each new encumbrance sorted and totaled by
account. This change reflects either a new encumbrance or a liquidation resulting
from a corresponding expenditure. A detail breakdown of the change to encumbrances
is reflected in the Open Encumbrances Report.
9.4.1 Open Encumbrances Report
The Open Encumbrance report itemizes all existing encumbrances on a project. The body of the Open Encumbrance report is divided into the following categories:
- Account. The Account number divides and defines cost categories by characteristic or function.
- Reference. The Reference column and along with the Account column identifies the encumbrance.
- Date. The Date column reflects the date the encumbrance was originally posted to the project.
- Detail. The Detail column helps identify the encumbrance. For purchase orders the vendor's name appears in the detail column, for scholarships/fellowships the detail is the individual receiving the scholarship/fellowship, for payroll costs the detail says "P/R encumbrance" and the date of the pay period.
- Original Encumbrance. This column lists the amount of the original encumbrance, sorted and totaled by account.
- Liquidating Expenditure. This column disencumbers the original encumbrance by the amount paid to date.
- Adjustments. The Adjustment column reflects any adjustments that increases or decreases an encumbrance not associated with a payment.
- Current Encumbrances. This column reflects the actual encumbrance at the time the report was run. The account total may not equal the encumbrance amount on the Summary of Revenue & Expense report because this summary reflects the balance only for the current reporting period while the Encumbrance report reflects the encumbrances at the time the report was run which may be into the next reporting period.
- Account. The Account column divides and defines cost categories by characteristic or function.
- Description. The description column lists titles of accounts such as Claim on Cash, AP Voucher Payable, and Fund Balance etc.
- Previous Balance. This column lists the amounts that were reported as Current Balances in the previous period's report.
- Current Month Changes. This column lists all activity that occurred during the reporting period on each of the accounts.
- Current Balance. This column lists the balances in the accounts at the end of the current reporting
9.4.2 Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet shows, in summary, all changes for the current period that affects a balance sheet account. The three accounts that usually appear on a project's balance sheet are: Claim on Cash, AP Voucher Payable, and Fund Balance. The amount in Fund Balance will be the net of Revenue and Expenditures. The amount in AP Voucher Payable will be the amount recorded as an expense by Accounts Payable, but not yet paid to the vendor. An actual check is not sent out until it is required by the payment terms of the invoice. The amount in the Claim on Cash account is the cash we have in the bank for that project. The body of the Balance Sheet is divided into the following categories.