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Sponsored Projects
Policies & Compliance
- Research Conduct
- Combatting Human Trafficking
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- Research Handbook
- 1. Roles & Responsibilities
- 2. Standards for Conduct of Research
- 3. Overview of Sponsored Projects Administration
- 4. Funding Sources & Opportunities
- 5. Proposal Development
- 6. Budget Development
- 7. Procedures for the Submission of Proposals
- 8. Award Acceptance
- 9. Award Management
- 10. Research Related Regulations, Policies & Procedures
- 11. Other Conduct of Research Issues
- 12. Acronyms & Definitions
- 13. Glossary
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OSP Business Practices - Issue Resolution Request
To provide a process for seeking resolution on matters that have not been resolved to satisfaction within a reasonable timeframe and where significant delays continue to occur.
University of Utah employees who have already reached out to their Sponsored Projects Officer (SPO) and/or their respective Associate Director (AD), and have allowed reasonable response times as outlined in our Communication Business Practices Procedure, and are facing significant delays or lack of response or have been unable to resolve an issue related to a sponsored project, are encouraged to use the OSP Resolution Request form to bring this to OSP's immediate attention.
Reasons for submitting a request can include, but are not limited to, significant delays and/or non-responsiveness with regard to:
- eProposal/Document Summary Sheet (DSS) issues
- Upcoming submissions
- Award negotiations
- Pending eAward actions
- Institutional transfers (incoming or outgoing)
- Pending award negotiations and approvals
Each situation is unique and, in conjunction with the process below, will be assessed
according to individual circumstances.
Issue Resolution Instructions:
- For immediate routing of an issue related to a sponsored project:
- University of Utah employees should complete the OSP Resolution Request form.
- Non-University of Utah employees should send detailed requests, with "OSP Resolution Request" in the subject line, to
Receipt and Resolution:
- Resolution Request Form submissions are routed for immediate attention.
- Within three (3) business days, the submission will be reviewed.
- OSP may consult those involved to understand the circumstances and determine steps needed to resolve the matter.
- Within five (5) business days, OSP will reach out to the submitter and acknowledge receipt of the Resolution Request Form.
- OSP may have follow-up questions and/or ask for additional clarification and documentation from the submitter.
- A thorough review of the matter and a recommendation for a path to resolution, if
not a full resolution of the matter, shall be completed within 14 business days. Depending
on the nature of the matter, this timeframe may be extended for a reasonable time
and in consultation with the submitter.
Related Policies and Procedures
- Procedure Library > OSP Business Practices - Communication
- Procedure Library > OSP Business Practices - Proposal Review & Submission
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