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Modify a Subaward


Submit a request to modify the terms of a subaward.


Principal Investigators (PIs) and administrators who need to modify the terms of an existing subaward. 

A subaward should be modified whenever the existing terms need to be changed. Typical reasons for modifications include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. To increase or decrease the funding for the subrecipient
  2. To extend or shorten the length of the period of performance for the subrecipient
  3. To change the scope of the work being performed by the subrecipient
  4. To authorize carry-forward of unexpended funds from a prior budget period
  5. To terminate the subaward
  6. To change the PI at Utah or at the sub site
  7. To flow-down changes in the terms of the prime award that govern the subaward
  8. To change the purchase order (PO) number used for invoicing by the subrecipient
  9. To authorize changes that require sponsor approval


  1. Determine if sponsor prior approval is required to make the change
    1. If sponsor approval is required for assistance with making this determination, contact OSP via email and request the modification. Steps for obtaining sponsor approval will vary depending on the terms to be changed.
  2. OSP drafts the modification to the subaward based on the request, emails the modification document to the subrecipient, and when necessary, negotiates the terms of the modification with the subrecipient.
  3. When the subaward modification is fully executed, OSP will initiate a continuing or new requisition request and send it to Purchasing. Purchasing will make the corresponding changes to the purchase order (PO) or establish a new PO, depending on the type of change.

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Last Updated: 4/29/24