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Department of Energy (DOE) PAMS Pre-Proposal


Provide guidance to department administrators and PIs submitting pre-proposals through DOE's Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS). 


When a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) requires or encourages submission of a pre-proposal, the solicitation will provide guidance on content, the deadline for the pre-proposal submission, and the use of the PAMS system for submission. 


  1. Before a pre-proposal can be started, the PI (user) account must be registered to/affiliated with the University of Utah in PAMS.
    1. SPOs will receive notification once a PI has registered.
    2. SPOs can verify registered users in PAMs.
  2. The FOA must request or require a pre-proposal submission in order for the PI to initiate a pre-proposal action in PAMS.
  3. DOE PAMS pre-proposals do require an internal Document Summary Sheet (DSS)

Limited Submissions

  Any DOE pre-proposal submissions that restrict or limit the number of University of Utah applicants will require VPR approval. PIs who submit without VPR approval jeopardize the applications of those who have been screened and approved. Review the limited submission guidelines here


  1. PI will need to login to PAMS under the "Existing User" tab
    existing user

  2. The PI will select a solicitation list:
    select list

    PAMS will display a list of active solicitations to choose from. 

  3. The PI will click "Action/Views" on their solicitation and select "Submit Proposal" from the dropdown:


  4. PAMS will open the Submit Preproposal Screen
    submit preproposal screen

    1. Select drop down for University of Utah
    2. Click on “Select PI” to add PI information
    3. Input Proposal Title, select Program Manager
    4. Attach Preproposal document
    5. If the FOA requires additional documents such as current or pending support, biosketches, and Review COI listings, attach files to Additional Attachment section
    6. Be sure to "Save" throughout this process
  5. When complete, the PI will "Submit to DOE"
  6. Institutional Countersignature
    This "Submit to DOE" priviledge in PAMS will not submit the proposal directly to DOE. It will instead trigger an email to OSP notifying all AORs that the pre-proposal requires institutional countersignature:
  7. The SPO will need to login and click on the "Pending Tasks" link to access the preproposal:
    7-pending tasks
  8. To review, the SPO will select "Submit Preproposal"
  9. The SPO will need to review the opportunity and verify whether or not there are any restrictions or limitations on the number of applicants. If it is a limited submission, the SPO will need to be sure that VPR approval is attached in eProposal prior to countersigning.
  10. When ready to sign and submit:
    1. The SPO will scroll down to Countersign Proposal and click the "Approve and Submit to DOE" radio button
    2. And click "Submit to DOE
  11. SPO will receive a countersignature confirmation in PAMS:
  12. The PI and SPO will recieve an email confirmation:
    10-email confirmation

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Last Updated: 4/29/24