Policies & Compliance
- Research Conduct
- Combatting Human Trafficking
- Research Security
- Research Handbook
- 1. Roles & Responsibilities
- 2. Standards for Conduct of Research
- 3. Overview of Sponsored Projects Administration
- 4. Funding Sources & Opportunities
- 5. Proposal Development
- 6. Budget Development
- 7. Procedures for the Submission of Proposals
- 8. Award Acceptance
- 9. Award Management
- 10. Research Related Regulations, Policies & Procedures
- 11. Other Conduct of Research Issues
- 12. Acronyms & Definitions
- 13. Glossary
- Procedure Library
- Regulations Library
Other Conduct of Research Issues
11.4 Personnel
11.4.1 Guest Lecturers
The Guest Lecturer/Performer Agreement (PDF) may be used under infrequent circumstances to arrange for guest lecturers and entertainer performances.
Parties paid under this may not be paid from project chartfields, which fall within the 50000000 range, unless the project sponsor has explicitly agreed to pay applicable fees. Please refer to University Regulations Library to gain a clearer understanding of how services paid under the agreement differ from those contracted through the Professional Services/Consulting Agreement.
Other forms involved in the lecturer/performer agreement and payment process include:
- IRS Form W-9; may also need to be completed if the consultant or service provider provides their Taxpayer ID on the Agreement.
- A Check Request; must be completed (see the Accounts Payable Check Request page), signed by the appropriate officials, and submitted to Accounts Payable in order to pay the service provider or consultant. (An illustrative Check Request form is available with instructions on completing the Request.)
11.4.2 Foreign Scholars & Consultants
To pay a non-resident alien as a consultant on a research project, the PI should use the consultant agreement form. In addition to the consultant form, the PI should include appropriate visa, passport, and tax information as required by the Tax Services Office and International Student Center. After obtaining all appropriate information, the consultant form should be sent to OSP for review and approval before it is routed through the University accounting system. Visa & Work Permits
The International Student Center is available to assist all international students, faculty, visiting professors, research scientists and consultants in obtaining appropriate Visas and INS work permits related to their purpose for coming to the University or performing research work for the University. Their office has access to many of the forms that will need to be filled out for the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services. There are a number of different forms and types of Visas depending on an individual's purpose for entering the United States. The International Student Center is an excellent resource for identifying what paperwork or other items might be needed in order to have an international student or researcher work on a contract or grant funded by University sponsors. The Principal Investigator on a sponsored research project that involves international participants should work with the Human Resources Department and the International Student Center to insure that all Federal Visa and work permit regulations are followed. Some of the different types of Visas required for international students and researchers or visiting professors are listed below.
International Students
Most non-U.S. citizen students obtain an F-1 Visa to attend courses at the University
of Utah. This Visa allows students to work part-time during the school year on research
projects at the University. The student is also allowed to work full-time at the University
during holiday periods between semesters.
International Researchers
Non-U.S. researchers who will be working at the University of Utah for a short duration
usually obtain a J-1 Visa which allows the researcher to perform University related
research and work for a limit of three years duration.
International Tenured Professor Positions
When non-U.S. professors come to the University of Utah with the intention of becoming
a tenured faculty member of the University, the H visa is used. This visa allows for
a six-year tenure track position.
International Consultants
International consultants can provide work on University related sponsored projects.
The usual visa obtained in order to pay for work done by an international consultant
is the J-1 Visa.
Students or Researchers from Mexico or Canada
Under the North America Free Trade Agreement, a TN Visa can be obtained for undocumented
citizens from Mexico or Canada. These Visas are valid for one year and allow an individual
to perform full time work. These visas are easily renewable after the one year period.
International Business Visitors
Business visa holders can participate in scientific, educational, professional and
business conferences. The WB or B-1 visas allow for payment of these types of expenses.
Tourist Visas
Tourists that enter the United States under a tourist visa, B-2 or WT cannot receive
any payments or have payments made in their behalf including travel reimbursements
or hotel expenses paid by the University. Green Card Application (for Clinical Investigations)
The Green Card Application form is the responsibility of the Clinical Research Compliance (CRCE) Office. Researchers and staff should ensure that the form is the latest version available. If there any doubts on this point, please email the Study Account Representative in CRCE.
To be filled out and submitted at the beginning of each clinical investigation, the "Green Card" Application helps to ensure that the clinical investigation or department pays for protocol-related procedures instead of charging a patient out-of-pocket or billing a patient's health insurance company. The "Green Card" application (file) contains vital information (i.e., the green card account number, ARUP account number, the name of the clinical investigation, investigating department, doctor's or Principal Investigator's name, General Ledger or PeopleSoft activity number, and the clinical investigation coordinator's name, address and phone number). Once the Principal Investigator receives a project number from Grants & Contracts Accounting, a project Green Card should be applied for and obtained before the PI starts seeing patients related to a clinical investigation project.