Industry Grants & Contract Assignments
Todd Nilsen, J.D., Associate Director – Industry Contracts
- Export control administration
- SBIR/STTR post-award (projects subcontracted to the University regardless of amount, excluding SBIR/STTR clinical trials)
Gary Christensen, J.D., Industry Contracts Manager
- Industry contracts for non-Health Science Campus (HSC) (except clinical trials)
- Energy and Geoscience Institute (EGI)
- Industry contracts (except clinical trials) developed in cooperation with Technology
Licensing Office (TLO)
Eric Lazenby, J.D., Sponsored Projects Officer
- SBIR/STTR pre-award (subcontracted to the University regardless of amount, excluding SBIR/STTR clinical trials)
- Industry contracts for Health Sciences Campus (HSC) and Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) (except clinical trials)
- Pharmacotherapy Outcomes Research Center (PORC)