Driver Training
Intended Audience: All persons who drive vehicles on University business
Time to complete: < 1 hour
Refresh required: Every 2 years
Course contact: University of Utah Risk & Insurance Management
Driver Training Program
The University's auto liability insurer, State Risk Management, has mandated an online
driver training and test for all persons who drive vehicles - personal, rental, or
University - on University business. All employees, students, or volunteers who operate
any vehicle on University business, both as an essential part of their job function
or on an occassional basis, must watch a 14-minute video and take a short test at
the time they are hired, every two years thereafter, and following any preventable
Who should take this course?
- The State Division of Risk Management requires that all university drivers receive defensive driving training.
- Before watching the Driver Training Video and taking the on-line test, contact University Fleet Services (formerly Motor Pool) at 801/581-8155 and obtain a Driver ID#.
- You will need to use your CIS uNID and associated password to log-in.
- Your certification of completion is valid for two years. You must retake this training module when your certification expires.