Executive Actions and Federal Agency Updates
Specific Agency guidance & Recommendations for Researchers
Office of Sponsored Projects
OSP supports University of Utah faculty through effective management of extramural
sponsored proposals and awards funded by federal and state agencies, foundations,
and other public and private sources. OSP is primarily responsible for interpreting
and ensuring compliance with University policy, proposal and award terms and conditions,
and applicable federal and state laws and regulations. OSP reviews and submits proposals
on behalf of the University. We also draft, negotiate, and sign sponsored agreements and
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Senior & Key Personnel Certifications and Restrictions on Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment

NSF proposals (that include plans to conduct research off-campus or off-site) now require that each PI draft a plan to support a safe and inclusive work environment.

Changes to Tuition Benefit Program
Effective fiscal year 2020, research assistant tuition will become the responsibility of the college.